Mont Saint-Michel

Throughout this trip, I have been surprised by the things we have gone and visited. Many of these new places now top the list of my favorites that I've visited in the world:

The glaciers and waterfalls in Iceland, the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, Cantebury Cathedral in England, the beautiful countryside in Scotland...

I can now safely add Mont Saint-Michel to this ever-growing list. What an extraordinary place! As you drive up you get a good look at it from afar... It looks fake. Like really really fake. Something out of a fairy tale fake. It's just sheep and corn fields.. and then this small island topped with a big point rises up in the distance. It is a sight to see.

As you get closer you can make out more of the details... The walls going around the perimeter, the various roofs sprouting here and there. The thing is, it still looks fake. It looks like nothing I've ever experienced, and so I can only look at it and think "this is something out of a movie".

Have I harped on that fact enough yet? Good

 Cause it does... Really really really

 .. *ahem*

To get to the Abbey you have to walk a narrow winding path that slopes it's way upward. Stores are located on both sides of the walkway so there is a bit of a pedestrian traffic jam between the people who want to eat and shop and those making their way to the top of the town.

Before you reach your first staircase you will already be tired, however the walk to that point is but a small part of your hike. Next you get to tackle a series of large staircases that bring you to the actual Abbey at the very top. Chuck in a bit of heat and a whole bunch of sweaty people, and you find yourself in quite the party. Despite all the negatives, the views from the west terrace are pretty unreal.

Next you walk through a part Roman part Gothic church.

It actually flows together pretty seemlessly. The large rounded Roman arches lead up to the taller/pointier Gothic arches at the back of the church. I really enjoy sitting in older churches that have the really large columns. It almost feels like you are in a forest of stone.

The rest of the Abbey is just as impressive. The Cloister, the dining hall, the crypts... Everything you look at really helps you appreciate how much effort was put into creating this place:

The entire experience was completely unique, and that's why I'm mentally adding it to my list of favorite places. The location, the Abbey itself, the crazy crowded walk through a tiny market street... The entire thing was very cool and I anticipate needing to come back someday.

Once we got back to Paris we had a nice walk back to our apartment with a lovely sunset keeping us company. (It's still light out at 9:30!)

Tomorrow we have a lazy day to recoup from 8 hours of driving on a bus and then we head to the chateau's of the Loire Valley!