Our original plan was to go see Greenich today, however trouble on the tube caused us to revise our plans at the last minute. Instead we decided to go see the Sea Life London Aquarium.

By this point we're pretty familiar with some of the main tube lines, so like seasoned pros we deftly made our way downtown to the aquarium. *Side note: the Westminster station reminds me of something out of 1984.

Having no expectations, I was still surprised by the aquarium. The interior feels like something out of universal studios, with each section decorated and dramatic awe-inspiring music playing in the background. This sounds corny, however it actually added to the experience.

Now the sticker price is a bit pricey... But it still was a fun time and I can't day I regret the decision.

The penguin area was pretty cool (because it's cold you see.. nyuk nyuk).

*side note: I may or may not have had a few drinks at this point. Please bear with me.

We both spent a lot of time watching the sharks swim around one of the aquariums. 2 sharks in particular looked like they had it out for us. At one point Amanda taps me, and I turn around to see this ginormous shark slowly swimming straight at me. It was both awesome and slightly chilling to experience.

We also booked tickets to go on the London eye. We had a few hours to kill once we got out of the aquarium so I decided we should go find #10 Downing Street where the British Prime Minister lives. Typically this should only be a matter of blocks away, however my Superior navigational skills resulted in us walking many blocks out of the way due to each cross street being protected by armed guards.

Not knowing where the heck we were going, we ended up finding a guard on a horse in a house (try saying that 5 times fast). 

We had wandered across the horse guard stables! Not only that, but the changing of the guards ceremony was going to happen in just a few minutes! This either speaks to how lucky we are, our how much stuff there is to do in London... I'll leave that up to you to decide...

Here's a bit of the ceremony right after the old guards marched up the street:

The ceremony must take a while, because we were out there for 15 minutes waiting. Amanda spent her time petting the police horse that was beside us. Eventually we needed to leave in order to make our schedule ride on the London Eye.

What can I say about the London eye... It's a big ferris wheel. We did it. That's about all.

Before we headed back for the night we managed to find Downing Street. You can't really see much as there is a big gate with armed guards, so I took a picture of the sign...