Ok so we've been largely quiet this past week, and it's time to rectify that immediately.

Ahhh, back in London.

Glasgow was a bit of a self-inflicted bust. I wasn't feeling good so we didn't do very much while we were there. Also, don't discount the accents... The difference going from Edinburgh to Glasgow was quite extreme. I was stopped on the street by someone trying to sell me something, but after a few back and forths I still had no idea what he was saying. Honestly, not a single word.

We got in on Friday and got to witness a high speed chase just a few feet from us. In the distance you could hear an engine rev up with a siren quickly following. I'm not sure what exactly had happened, but just a few moments later 2 people on a motorcycle wearing all black go flying by with a police car in hot pursuit. It was something straight out of a movie.  

We're in Fulham for the next week, and police chase withstanding, it's a pretty nice part of town. We had an errand to run yesterday which forced us to hop on the tube to get to a print shop. On the way I noticed masses of people all dressed up everywhere we went. We certainly had no idea what the heck was going on... Are we in a very posh part of town or is this how they normally dress on the weekends over here???  

It wasn't until later on that night while on a tour of London that we found out that it was the Queen's birthday. Apparently there was a big military parade and everything... We seem to have impeccible timing, both in our arrival dates, as well as our ability to cluelessly miss out on these activities as we had no idea this was going on.

Amanda and I both agree that we enjoy the tube more than any other transit system we have had to take. It's simple to use, simple to pay, and you never have to wait long for another train to show up. In Iceland and Ireland we mostly took buses...  Edinburgh was small enough that we walked everywhere we needed to get to in the city. Glasgow also had a subway, but it has much less stops that are less frequent. In short, the tube is a big reason we like London so much.

The other reason we like London is because of the amount of things to do here. We are here until July, and even if we did something every day I'm pretty sure we couldn't do everything we would like to. We will be taking it easy for the next few weeks, but it's nice to not be too hard pressed to find something to do. So 3 weeks here in 2 different locations (one just blocks from Buckingham palace), a few day trips, and then we are off to Paris. Sounds fun ;)